198 Miles

Tuesday, February 8

Why, This is Just a Devolution of Thought

My family was here this weekend.
It was a full time, with lots of hither and thither.
Of course I was left feeling like I had so much more to talk about and say to these beautiful people I get to call my own...

When I'm with my family now, time feels really tangible. Like it can be held my hands... and it feels strange. I think that maybe change is the only way I can really put a value to time. Thats why the Greeks had two different words for it; Kairos and Kronos.
(not to be confused with crinosity, which means a state of extreme hairiness...)
Anyways, the latter word is comparative to our english notion of calender time. Its talking about the long term, continuous and revolving circle of life type stuff. Kairos, however, describes the kind of time that becomes that opportune moment; A red-letter day amidst a line of dreary ones.
Not that my winter Seattle days have been dreary...

One could note that Kairos usually can't be observed until looking back into the past. That's when you see the line of days, hours, moments and realize that a certain one was different than all the rest.

It is very rare to have your Kairos and Kronos overlap each other, like sheafs of thin paper.

What I am trying to say is that there is a certain weighted importance added to the family moments that I spend with the Fields lately. It feels like I've been twirling through starry space, but with with a string attached.
And I'm almost out of slack.

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