198 Miles

Friday, April 27


Last weekend I felt the soles of my feet warmed by the sun for the first time this year.
All I could do was close my eyes and stretch my toes; the touch of the sun took all my concentration. In the backyard I was surrounded by the reincarnation of dandelion blooms, the white-tops trembling in the breeze. An uneven line of bare-headed stalks signaled the pathway of people and animals through the grass. Everything leaves its mark.

That was a week ago.
And now I need to study for my midterm. But this morning the sun woke me up instead of the rain. It came right through my eastward window, telling me, "its time its time its safe again." I fell asleep late last night -- the sirens in the city were loud and melancholy. In the country my sirens are coyotes and the thunderstorm.

Happiness comes slowly, and sometimes must contend with many other feelings. That's okay, that is the way of things.

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