198 Miles

Tuesday, August 31

Back to a place!

Visual reminder that there are many things to go back for. It feels wierd, but right.

Sunday, August 29

How to be a Man according to Brian Field, part one.

"If someone hands you a pistol, you've gotta check the action. If you don't know what the action of a pistol is, you shouldn't be holding a gun in the first place."

Saturday, August 28

This Last Week Or So...

Things to do:
Buy Books
Sell Books
Pay Bills
Clean Room
Take Care of Miscellaneous Shit
Learn How to be a Woman
Read Books of Substantial Literary Quality
Family Responsibilities
Show Sheep
Work for $$

Things I have actually done:

Looked at Bikes
Bought Bike
Looked up song tabs
Played song tabs
Made Mix CDs
Generally laughed
Drove around
Spent time with miscellaneous friends
Felt sorry for myself

[[Heard you tried to, to keep your hat up on the shelf]]

Thursday, August 26

Hiatus abolished, disguised as self-centered political musings

Okay, here we go.


Neither here nor there
we talked for 1 hour forty seven minutes to be exact.
About what makes someone a pragmatic, about how not to be idealistic until your idiotic, on whether or not we were nineteen and disillusioned.

Pragmatism; \ˈprag-mə-ˌti-zəm\ a practical approach to problems and affairs. (Nathan tried to strike a balance between his principles and pragmatism) 
the function of thought is to guide action, and truth is to be tested preeminently by the practical consequence of belief. 
What does that mean, exactly? If I am honest, I allow my thoughts to stray always from my impending actions. 

But then the other voice in my head, the one that isn't Nathan, I suppose, says that all my thoughts really do just react or re-instate some sort of action. This proves the American-forged philosophy correct. I'm currently looking for a loophole in opposition, I promise. 
In the meantime this means I'm a pragmatic? When I was younger and forced by public education to evaluate my personality via online testing all the time I came to the conclusion that I was a realist idealist.  What does this mean? A 5'5 blonde girl who liked reading Dickinson and going to professional bull riding events. 
The truth is, I don't know what that means. I had dreams but I was tethered to a state of conservative reality.

I hear people say that the world needs free health care. That sounds really perfect. Then everyone could always be healthy and things would be really easy. I guess I just wish that doctors weren't people. Then every time a diseased person walks into a health care clinic they won't have to worry about malpractice and negligence and ending up on a wait list for fifteen more years. They won't have to wordlessly receive simple antibiotics when what they need is a double bypass surgery.

Ah but that happens now, doesn't it? I'm a bird with an identity crisis. 

I guess we will need Will Smith in a pair of Chucks to solve our problems. Sooner than later.