198 Miles

Sunday, December 12


Wednesday Morning, 3 AM
Thats not the time now, its simply a great album.
Really really. I miss talking/listening old music with people. Simon and Garfunkel, The Carpenters, Carole King, Allman Brothers, Stevie Nicks, whatever.
Sometimes I want to venture into a purgatory of only listening to this specific era of music. A fasting, except I'd be lacking the altruistic sense of the usual fasts.

I would like to fast from a lot of things.
A lot of things namely being:
85% of my wardrobe
pointless sugary substances
conversational babble
making mistakes.

Now that I have that listed, I just have to find the key to achieving those things. Except that's going to be impossible. The key has been lost, swallowed by some proverbial urban legend.

All thats left is the sense that something is too much. Something is not enough. On the streets, in the classroom, outside my apartment, people ask me how I am ("sup?") as they walk/move/run to their next engagement. It all happens so fast - One is inclined to care and also inclined to keep moving ("uhfinethxbye). It's a dichotomy that I don't have the stomach for anymore.

Next time someone nonchalantly asks how I am, I am going to throw up in their face.

This all sounds very pessimistic. But I'm listening to Sparrow, remember? I feel great.

1 comment:

sj said...

my eyes boggled out of my head a bit when i read the word "fast" in your post...because i'm doing a special kind of fast this week. it basically involves limiting the kind of food i eat, plus i am choosing to fast from facebook. obviously that doesn't directly address this shallow conversation issue you bring up...but i like the idea of using a discipline (like a special food diet) to try to intentionally work through something spiritual.

just a thought. if you want more info, here is a blog that explains quite a bit more:
