198 Miles

Tuesday, August 30

I am going to post this without rereading it:

Today was cool and grey. The wind must have blown our hot august days right up and over the cascades. Will they come back for one last visit? No one knows now, not even the weather man.

Yesterday I was laying on my floor with my good friend computer ( no, we're not seeing each other,) and I happened to looked out the window. Along the driveway that leads to my house are maple trees. The farthest one away, I could just make out, had the tint of yellow on the tips of its leaves. Like your best guy friend from 7th grade, the one with the bleach-frosted tips. (cough cough @tyler mccabe,) It was weird to have to accept in that moment that autumn is coming for us. I don't know about you, but I just got my first real sunburn last Saturday.
I guess to see the onslaught of fall means I have to admit the secession of summer. And this summer has been one that I have waited a long time for. I mean, we all grow up dreaming of far away places. It is built into the childhood liturgy, thanks to more than just Disney and Dreamworks. But these last few months I actually got to go far, far away. I saw things that were made of magic, both the fairy-godmother kind and the dark black kind.

But now I have returned. And then it's back to Seattle. I am ready.


The Informal Scientist said...

you have a way of capturing moments. and according to me, that is what writing is.

thanks for capturing this moment, because I'm inclined to believe I've lived in it as well.

but for me, I never know if I'm ready or not.

Tyler McCabe said...

I did love those tips. :)

Third paragraph, your last sentence is magic. And y e s.